Administrator Hero Member Posts: Thread Tools Show Printable Version. This will give you the info you need to get started flying and using this web site. Product Cost The product cost is Please note that you will need to register to use many of the site's best features, including downloading files and posting messages. Would you be able to upload your configuration for PHNL? fsdt phnl

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In theory, AI traffic should grind to a halt pretty quickly with that error present The FS9 version is compatible with FS9 with the 9.

fsdt phnl

I backed up the original AFCAD file and corrected all the hold-short nodes, but maybe just maybe, haha!! Why the heck doesn't Umberto just hire you to do all the navaid stuff?

Dreamflight on December 21, fssdt, FSDT products are free to try. Inm PHNL however all the hold-shorts at the runways are too far away further than feet.

Thanks in advance for your insight. Improved Night Effects High resolution building textures.

Download Scenery FSDT Honolulu (PHNL) #FSX

Administrator Hero Member Posts: PayPal is also supported. Posted January 26, Need help getting started? Please read our Help For New Flightsimmers.

Results 1 to 9 of 9. I just slewed there to investigate.

fsdt phnl

Afterall, you're not going to park your private jet at an airline gate so you need something near the FBO. December 12, Register a new account.

I do not think any of the Hawaiian airports have changed much since fsdt released their packages.

FSDreamTeam - Honolulu International airport scenery for FSX and FS9

Posted January 25, Understood, and thanks for the response. I ask because what little info is in the library listing about the program mentions using the SDK to recompile the XML. BGL, which I guess this is what you disabled. Share this post Link to post.

File Library - What's New. December 25, December 05, December 08, December 13, FYI the ILS is an object that belongs to a runway, and a runway belongs to an airport and so it goes. The product is sold as 2 Products in One. In this case, prices might change depending on the current USD value. You get a registration key that can be used after downloading the installers straight from the fsdt sites, then starting up p3d, going into the addon manager after loading a flight, and entering the keys for each product to activate them.

fsdt phnl

INI file, because we never remove automatically things you made personally in the GSX preferences folder, but they always get the highest priority in use, punl you must remove them manually. Applied the ini file for gsx level 2.

The SDK is not required, the ILS inspector backs up the original bgl and then 'patches' it with the changes that you enter during edit.
